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                                         Anjeli´s Messages from the Angels of the oceans, dragons and crystal skulls


Anjeli´s Messages from the Angels of the oceans, dragons and crystal skullsAnjeli´s Messages from the Angels of the oceans, dragons and crystal skulls


After a pilgrimage journey to the place of Mother Mary in Lourdes (France) I received messages in the form of poems – in German under my spiritual name ANJELI. They were coming through beings from the spiritual world like Mary Magdalena, the Angels and finally from my crystal skulls too.

The most beautiful verses I putted into a photo book “Anjeli´s Botschaften ” (part 1 and 2).

In recent years I thought how to translate the rhymes into English but it seemed to be impossible.

Readers of my book “Crystal Skulls and The Meaning of Their Names” asked me about the messages which I mentioned in that book.

With the help from my crystal skulls I translated the essence of the most interesting German rhymes into English and created a new booklet: “Anjeli´s Messages from the Angels of the oceans, dragons and crystal skulls”.



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